Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Time for an update on Level 3!

Mar 4 - D1 L3 - I'm not too happy with L3... Half the moves have been known to injure my back so I modified most f the moves. The jumping moves (lunges, sumos, squats, and rock stars) I wouldn't recommend to anyone who doesn't want an injury, but power to you if you can do them! I did the low-impact versions. I like the plank moves and walking push ups - they were fun! I think I might do this for 4 days, and then do L1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 for the last 6 days. I'm hardly sweating right now, so this will never do for me!

Mar 5 - D2 L3 - Oh this is going to be a fun entry... I have to eat my words now and take back (almost) everything I said about L3 yesterday. It's a lot tougher when you know what you are doing. I actually did the sumos and jumping squats today, being very cautious to go slowly with proper form, and my thighs are killing! I feel like if I keep this up, L3 will be all about making my thighs catch up with the rest of my shrinking self. Instead of rock stars I did butt kicks and high knees. I don't ever do full sit ups, because of everything I've learned/read/been told, so I just do crunches. I use my 5 lb weights for the one arm weights with squats, which I enjoy doing. I'd like to officially apologize to L3 for saying that it didn't make me sweat much, because the sweat is back!

Mar 6 - D3 L3 - Today was even more difficult than yesterday! I like the first move. I don't remember what it's called, but "up, up, down, down," seems to haunt me... The first time I tried that move, I was in full plank position and almost fell on my face before I realized that I needed to follow Anita! I added 15 mins of walking/jogging, and 20 mins of belly dance.

Mar 7 - D4 L3 - Only SIX days left!! I did extra stretching today because I've been feeling a pain at the front of my right hip, kind of at the top of the centre of my leg. I've had it for just over a week, but it isn't really bothering me or preventing me from doing anything except belly dance hip moves, so I'll just keep stretching it. It will probably go away when I finish the Shred and stop doing one level, several days in a row. I promised myself I was gonna start the C25K today, but it was -12 C outside this morning. I also have Zumba tonight, so I'm going to start it tomorrow! It's supposed to be warmer out with no rain!

Mar 8 - D5 L3 - So close to the end now!!! Today was good. I enjoy the walking push ups still, but they give me mat-burn (like rug-burn) on my knees! Haha! Oh well. I can handle it! My recommendation today is concerning the one armed weight lifts with the squat: I'm always careful to keep my back straight on the squat so that I'm working my legs and not straining my back. It's like lifting a heavy box - lift with your legs, not with your back. I added my first C25K run today, but that's another blog...

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