Friday, March 4, 2011

Waste It On

Here's another update! I'm all the way to D20!! Did 21 today, but those comments will be saved for later.

Feb 24 - 60 mins leisure walking. No shred today, plus I did something stupid to my knee so I won't be doing Leslie Sansone walking tonight either.

Feb 25 - D7 L2 - Today was good! I'm glad I rested up yesterday. Banged my knee yesterday and my ankle hurt this morning, but I got through it fine. I got through all those pesky squats with weights. I switched the plank jacks for jumping jacks and punching today (see L1), which made the final ab planks more doable, but definitely not easier! One thing I like to do with workout DVDs is switch the leg, arm, or ab move, so I'm not always working the same side and then the other side harder. For example, if Jillian starts with lunges on the right leg, in the next session I will start on the left leg. I've found that she holds some of the moves longer on one side, so I think switching like this is beneficial.

Feb 26 + 27 - No shredding. The worst thing wasn't that I didn't do it, it was knowing that I could have fit it in.

Feb 28 - D8 L2 - Finished Shredding for today, and I'm feeling pretty great! Going for a quick shower and then a nice walk, because the sun outside is calling my name! I added 60 mins of walking, and 25 mins of Qigong.

Mar 1 - D9 L2 - Today was extra hard. I had to put the weights down for the last move, and my balance, in general, was really shaky. Added 60 mins of Leslie Sansone walking, 25 mins of Belly Dance, and 25 mins of Qigong. When I did the Belly Dance, I really noticed how little my belly is getting! It was almost shocking, cause I couldn't really see the difference before, and I haven't done any  Belly Dance since I started the Shred.

Mar 2 - D10 L2 - I'm officially done L2!!! Today was another hard day, but I'm proud that I've done 3 days in a row. I managed to hold the weights through to the end of the squats, and did all the modified plank jacks with Anita. It was a great, sweaty workout, and my face is no longer red after the workout! Tomorrow I will take my measurements again, and start L3! I want to get through it, so I can start the C25K!

Measurement D1D10D20
Weight 182.5183.5182.5
Waist 3736.536
Hips 5049.7548.75
Thigh 28.528.2528.25
Chest 41.541.541.5
Arms 14.251414
Calves 171716.75

(Total inches lost: 3 - I recently realized this would be a bigger number, but I only measure one thigh, arm, and calf.)

WHAT? My waist is wasting away! Hips too! Dang stubborn thighs though...

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