Saturday, March 19, 2011

C25K - Week 2

Mar 15 - W2 D1 - I had a pretty good run today. I had to slow down around all the dog walkers, but that was a welcome change of pace. Near the start of my run I was getting a stitch in my side that lasted the whole run. Also, after my shower I was feeling a little queasy. That's never happened to me before, so next time I'll have to remember not to drink a large cup of tea close to my run, and to leave about 2 hours between breakfast and running. Oh yeah, I also have a cough from working my lungs now. It's like a tickle when I breathe that will last a few hours. The 90 second runs were tough, but I knew I could do it, because that was my usual running interval time when I used to run on the treadmill. I think I did awesome for the first day of week 2! I dread week 3 though...

Mar 17 - W2 D2 - Today's run was great! The wind was just right, and the temperature wasn't too cold, nor too hot. I took a new route today and ended up having to run up a hill, which I thought was further down the road, but I guess I just traveled that far! Haha! Before my run this morning, my knee was a little bothersome, and while I ran I had a pain in my toe, but once I was running, they both went away. When I got back I iced my knees (they weren't really sore, but I knew that I should use ice to make sure they stayed thta way!). On my very last running interval I started to get a stitch in my (other) side. I read once that if you breathe "on the opposite foot" for a while, that might help relieve it, so I did that on my cool-down.

Mar 19 - W2 D3 - I could feel that today I was much faster, not so much in my running, but in the recovery walks. i enjoyed the run today, and passed only one other runner, despite it being a Saturday. I think I passed more people last Saturday for sure! It was cloudy looking outside when I ran, and if I hadn't have checked the weather, I would have thought that it was going to pour on me. When I got back in, the sun came out for about 5 minutes. Ha ha, Mother Nature... Ha ha...

Week2 D1D2D3
Time (mins) 303030
Distance (mi)
Avg speed (mph)
Avg speed (min/mi) 14:0514:2014:00
Lap 1 13:24:4914:06:1313:57:34
Lap 2 13:45:5114:02:6613:28:65
Lap 3 2:50:62 (.1)1:51:87 (.1)2:34:52 (.1)

One lap = 1 mile
D1: Today was challenging.
D2: Part of Lap 2 was uphill for a short distance.
D3: I could feel today was much faster.

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