Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Here's a little update on how my 30 Day Shred progress is coming along.

I started off on Sunday Feb 6th at 182.5 pounds.


Waist 37
Hips 50
Thigh 28.5
Chest 41.5
Arms 14.25
Calves 17

And here are some of my thoughts:

  • Feb. 6 - D1 L1--> My arms and legs feel like Jell-O. I can barely hold the pen and write this. So tired and sweaty.
  • Feb. 7 - D2 L1--> Feeling a lot better than yesterday! Used weights for only 1/2 the moves, because I'm so sore from yesterday! It wasn't as bad as I remembered/thought.
  • Feb. 8 - D3 L1-->Today was easier still! I used the weights more than yesterday, and it went by really quick again. Added 5 extra minutes of ab work.
  • Feb. 9 - D4 L1-->Today was pretty easy again. I used the weights for every move. Added 20 minutes of cardio.
At this rate, I'll be moving up to level 2 in no time! I can officially climb stairs normally again. I'll try and post my 30 Day Shred thoughts ever few days like this, weight in once a week, and measure 1/2 or 1/4 way along.

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