Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sweet Sixteen

Feb 17 - D1 L2 - Oh really, Jillian? You think you're gonna see me again tomorrow? I HATED L2!!! The moves are soo quick (I slowed it way down, just to perform them with proper form), and not only is it a lot on my wrist, I can feel it in my (previously injured) back. Those walking push ups... NEVER gonna happen. I liked that the ab parts were more intense, but my back is not protected enough in most of the moves. My life is going to suck for the next 9 days! I better not miss a day, or else extend the anguish. No extra cardio was added.

Feb 18 - No Shred today. Still recovering from yesterday. I'm contemplating going back to L1, and just doing the moves that don't hurt my back from L2, but I really wanted to do the whole thing!

Feb 19 - D2 L2 - DONE!!! Somehow, I managed to get through L2 today. My back was feeling much better, and I only pushed the moves as far as I could go, or modified them, like most of the plank moves. I was so sweaty, so I know I pushed it to my max!

Feb 20 - D3 L2 - Complete! I used 5 lb weights on the second strength section, and no weights on the second ab section. For the abs there, I keep my hands and my sides to stabilize my back. Without the push ups from L1, my wrist is so much better! For the planks, I hold on to my 5 lb dumbbells to ease the wrist pain.

Feb 21 - D4 L2 - After tomorrow I'll be 1/2 way there! Unbelievable!!! I've never done 14 days (almost in a row - 2 days off), of any other exercise! My goal for L2 is to do all the third strength exercises to the end, because I haven't made it through the last move in that set yet! I also want to do my modified ab move at the end to the last second. If I can't do these by D10 of L2, then I'm not moving on. Yesterday, I realized why my glutes are so sore... It's the pendulum lunges! I love those! (Never thought I'd say that back on D1 of L2!!)

Feb 22 - D5 L2 - I am HALF WAY through the 30 Day Shred!! Whew! Today was HARD!! I made it through holding all the moves: the last one using weights, and the ab plank move with a twist (which I just held as a plank) for the entire length of time! That's what I get from yesterday's determination! I hope to repeat it again tomorrow. During the plank I kept talking to my arms, which were shaking like mad, "C'mon arms!" Haha! When I started L1 my face used to get red after the Shred, but it wore off by the end. Well, with L2 I've notices that my face is red again. I look like I do when I get off the treadmill after 40 minutes of running/walking! I've never been sweatier in 25 mins, that's for sure! Added 45 mins of cardio.

Feb 23 - D6 L2 - Today was tiring. I did the second set of the final move with weights in that last circuit without weights, and didn't do the final ab move at all! I'm going to be taking tomorrow off to rest, and then I'll be back again on Friday. Added 26 mins of Leslie Sansone walking.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shawty Is A Ten

Time to check in again (a little late)!

Feb 10 - D5 L1 - Jump rope was hardest today. I did all the moves as shown, and kept up! Finally did the full bicycle move to the end! Today and yesterday I used 5 lbs weights with the 2nd strength section (w/lunges), cause I wasn't feeling the 3 lbs. Did 35 mins of extra cardio.

Feb 11 - D6 L2 - I did everything the same as yesterday, but it was all just a tad more difficult. The push ups really hurt my wrists, so I'm trying to stay away from the computer to avoid stressing it. During the workout the most sore muscles were the small ones above my knees. Added 35 mins of extra cardio.

(Note: I can't believe how strong I'm getting, or that I've stuck with it this long! I've never stuck with a workout this long!)

Feb 12 - No Shred today. I have a sore neck, work up late, and spent all day searching for a gift. Many excuses to go around.

Feb 13 - D7 L1 - I had to do some moves without weights cause I could feel them in my neck. Overall, everything felt harder. I figure I should have done my 40 minute walk after the Shred, instead of before, because it made me feel really tired.

Feb 14 - D8 L1 - No Shred today. Keep letting excuses get the best of me. I must keep the appointments that I set with myself to workout! I also didn't eat very healthy today, which was a bummer. 60 minutes of Zumba saves the day! I got home from Zumba and as so inspired that I did my D8 as soon as I got home and as finished by 10pm. I used 5 lb weights on the move lying down with weights, and did the bicycle move to the last one! I've been feeling this for a few days now (since about D5), but today I really feel it. I am changing my body by being committed one day at a time!

Feb 15 - D9 L1 - Did my shredding this morning as soon as I could! I did all the moves as shown, but pit the weights down half way through the second set of squats. Now I know I'm all set and ready for the day. One day of L1 left! I was considering doing Zumba again tonight, but that's how I always inure myself; by doing too much.

Feb 16 - D10 L1 - This marks the end of L1! I can't believe I've come this far! I did all the moves as shown today, and with the weights. 3/10 days have been really well so far! I'm pumped for L2 now! Added 20 mins of cardio.

I took my measurements again, and I'm pretty impressed with the results! Here they are:

Measurement D1D10
Weight 182.5183.5
Waist 3736.5
Hips 5049.75
Thigh 28.528.25
Chest 41.541.5
Arms 14.2514
Calves 1717

(Total inches lost: 1.25)

I'm so thrilled!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Here's a little update on how my 30 Day Shred progress is coming along.

I started off on Sunday Feb 6th at 182.5 pounds.


Waist 37
Hips 50
Thigh 28.5
Chest 41.5
Arms 14.25
Calves 17

And here are some of my thoughts:

  • Feb. 6 - D1 L1--> My arms and legs feel like Jell-O. I can barely hold the pen and write this. So tired and sweaty.
  • Feb. 7 - D2 L1--> Feeling a lot better than yesterday! Used weights for only 1/2 the moves, because I'm so sore from yesterday! It wasn't as bad as I remembered/thought.
  • Feb. 8 - D3 L1-->Today was easier still! I used the weights more than yesterday, and it went by really quick again. Added 5 extra minutes of ab work.
  • Feb. 9 - D4 L1-->Today was pretty easy again. I used the weights for every move. Added 20 minutes of cardio.
At this rate, I'll be moving up to level 2 in no time! I can officially climb stairs normally again. I'll try and post my 30 Day Shred thoughts ever few days like this, weight in once a week, and measure 1/2 or 1/4 way along.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Going On

I'm finally over my cold!!!

I ate healthy for 8 out of 10 days! So proud! Back in the day, I would have eaten healthy for 10 out of 14 days, so I think I'm doing great with 80% goodness.

Yesterday I started the 30 Day Shred, which I got in the mail on Friday, I think it was. It was super tough! 6 minutes in I didn't know if I could do the whole Level 1, but I got through it, and was nearly in tears at the end. (More from happiness than pain - really!)

Today my quads are burning, and my shoulders and chest are really sore, but I'll be at it again with D2 in a little while. Silly me also plans on going to a fitness class with a friend today!

I haven't done my morning meditation where I set myself up for the day, in the past 2 days, so I've got to get back to that as well. Motivation hasn't slipped for me yet, so I better consider it luck, and get visualizing again!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Keep Holding On

I'm so proud! This is day 5/5 for eating healthy and reasonably for me. I've been staying below 1400 calories, and going on walks, and things have been really good.

I've been really hungry at times, but instead of reaching for the nearest bag of cookies and chips, I'm taking time to think about what I really feel like eating. That usually gives me enough time to pick something healthy out for myself.

I'm still sick, and don't feel 100%, but I'm not letting this cold get the best of me!